What Makes an Educated Man?

A truly educated person, first and foremost, respects other individuals. He also respects himself; because he knows that to be respected, one must respect his own self first. He respects other entities’ worth and, just because he went to some school and finished a degree, does not consider his worth as superior to other people. In the first place, the amount of knowledge that a person possesses – no matter how numerous books he have read and abundant sources of information he have come upon – is not the sole criterion for considering his worth, but more importantly, it is his character that determines his worth as a person. The fact that an educated person knows it and he strives to put his character under the good category is enough to make him a truly educated person.

Another characteristic of a truly educated person is that he does not brag about what he knows. He is humble to accept the truth that there are things he is not aware of and because of that awareness, he continues to seek and acquire knowledge. He is also unselfish. He does not keep the knowledge he possess to himself but instead, continue reading